Wednesday, April 13, 2011

CRCT Helpers

I don't know about your school, but this time of year is always a little stressful and crazy at our school.  It is that dreaded time of year... time for Standardized Testing!!

As a kindergarten teacher, I don't feel quite the stress that my colleagues do, but you can't help to get wound up in the craziness when you are around it!!  A few years ago we started something at our school to help include our youngest learners in this important time of year.

Each kindergarten class adopts a grade level during the test.  Each morning during the duration of the test, our kindergarteners deliver a special message to their adopted grade level about what good test takers do.  The older kids love seeing our smiling faces each day and hearing that last piece of advice before taking the test can't hurt either.  :)

This year we have a western theme throughout our school, so our darlings are deputies!!   Here is my posse I had with me today - The lead deputy is behind the camera :)


Here is an example of the messages we bring every morning.  The teachers post these in their classrooms or outside on their doors and they serve as a visual reminder for their students.


My kids always have such a good time helping their older friends in the school....and it can't hurt to start hearing and talking about good test taking habits right now - hopefully it will help them when they are ready to take the test next year... :)



  1. What a great idea! :)

  2. We have an awesome principal who has some really great ideas!!!! :)

  3. What a powerful idea for your students (and the older students)!

  4. Oh I love this. I can just imagine thos Kinder Kids remembering those strategies when it's their turn to take the test. How powerful. Too bad we are smack in the middle of testing now. I think I am going to suggest this next year. Thanks!

    Ms. M
    Ms.M's Blog
    A Teacher's Plan

  5. So do you not have a high stakes test for kindergarten in your area? We have a very narrow live or die test. Kathy

  6. Kathy- Nope - the only "test" they have at the end of the year is the year end Dibels Benchmark - and that is something that all counties do - It may be because Kindergarten is not mandatory in Georgia?? I'm not really sure.

  7. I love this idea so much I was telling other teachers I work with about it. Would it be possible for you share what the test taking tips/ reminders for the test takers are???

    My email is msk1ellgmailcom
    Ms. M
    Ms.M's Blog
    A Teacher's Plan

  8. I too love this idea! I am the chair person for our building community committee at our school and this idea was brought to me. I am wondering if you can share with me the tips and reminders that you used in the pairing process? We had a pep rally this year for testing but I thinking this would be so much fun too! Thanks for your ideas. My email is: I look forward to hearing from you!

  9. I love this idea so much! We just started testing. Would you mind sharing these tips with me too? I would love to share this idea for next year at my school. Thanks so much!
    My email is

  10. This sounds like so much fun! I also teach Kindergarten and would love to try this at my school. Can you please email me the tips you used? I would be so thankful!

    THANK YOU! Jennifer


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